Monday, February 11, 2008

Feburary 08, 2008

Its sounds like a great idea to start this, I even add Montgomery and
Leitu to the email list and forward it to Sora Betham as well.
I feel the same like you Katie, I am so caught up as a working woman
that I don't have the time to even call Frances or anybody unless it's a
must do thing. But this is great to get in touch with everyone. Good
Well in our neck of the wood, Baby Roz is the center of our lives in
Long Beach. She is a joy to have with us to represent all the other
grandchildren that are in Utah. I kiss and hug baby roz and I feel like
I kiss all of them. Her nickname is Leto'a meaning impatience, she
screams until she gets her milk. Montgomery and Leitu is getting
assistance from the wic and baby roz has 9 cans of milk for a month.
Well she finished all that 9 cans in three weeks. It didn't last to the
next supply, it sure runs in the family. Montgomery and Dad still
holding two jobs, a day job and the sleeping job. Amazing they are still
considered normal people. As for me I am still doing good a little bit
out of shape but manage to survive.
Spiritually, I am getting lazy in saying my prayers, and I am out on a
no calling member so its kind of good and bad that I don't feel like
going to any church meeting. And I am still working hard to pay my
Well nothing much is going on, but I am excited to go to Utah and see
everyone there, sad its only a short trip but I will enjoy it.
Have a good day to you all and see you later.
Mama Betham


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