Saturday, February 9, 2008

December 17, 2007

Ciao Stoc (wassup peeps),
Yes, I'm still alive & doing well. Oradea is beautiful during Christmas,
the lights & all that are up, & there's a huge Nativity thingy in the
middle of town. We had a fireside on Friday for Christmas, entitled
"Faith precedes the Miracle" or "Credinta precede Miracole." OMG, okay
so it was a musical fireside...Elder Rose was like the narrator...& we
talked about how Mary, Jospeh, the Wisemen, & the Lamanites all had
faith that Christ would come...& we had a song between each section...&
guess who had her debut solo...yup, SORA BETHAM!!! I sang Away in a
Manger & OMG, I hate that song now!!! was super funny though.
So anyways, I wrote this long email last week & the window closed before
I could send it out, so this won't be too long.
I hope that while you're all getting ready for Christmas that you
remember ME!!! and that you remember Christ & the real reason we
celebrate this holiday season. Make time to quietly & humbly thank Him
as a family & individually for all that He has done for us.
I love you all & miss you like WRITE ME!!!
Cu drag,
Sora Betham...ORADEA'S FINEST!!!
p.s. This is the craziest lady in the branch. She has issues, so her
calling is to collect the Hymn books. So, right after you say amen, Sora
Filip like snatches it out of your hands...IT'S HILLARIOUS!!! WELCOME TO


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