Saturday, February 9, 2008

December 03, 2007

Hi Mom!!!
I don't have a mass emails to foward this week, because I don't have
time to do it this week. But, I did upload a bunch of pics on my
PhotoBucket. So maybe next time I could just send it to WalMart, & you
could pick it up after work or something. I did recieve my package, so
tell all the AhFooks I said THANK YOU!!!
I'm also so excited that RJ (Roz Jr. hee,hee) is finally here & that
there weren't any problems. I saw the pictures, SHE'S SO CUTE!!! Send
them my love. Tell Gomery I'm still waiting to hear from him. Roz sent
me the pics from your Birthday, you all looked like you had fun. So, I'm
glad that they did that for you. YOU DESERVE IT!!! Don't worry, I didn't
forget, I'm working on sending a package soon.
So the way we get mail, is that you all send it to the Mission Office, &
when we have Zone Conference or Transfers every 6 weeks, they give it to
us. So, I'd rather email things through you, because YOU are the only
person I can email besides the Mission Prez.
I checked, and it looks like the Checking is running low,
so I transferred $50 from the Savings. I'm gonna use some from the
Credit Card for my Christmas Shopping okay??!! Not a lot, just $100 or
Anyways, the work is going really well. I forgot to tell you that alot
of members here are going in-active because they've been ofended by
something the Branch Prez. said or did. So, we've been visiting them to
bring them back to church. & I've been using the story about Uncle
Henry, & how our family had to forgive him for hurting us. & about Uncle
George's Hammer-Nail analogy. Alot of these families really felt the
Spirit, & I could tell it's helping them to get over the hurt through
the example of the Savior & his Atonement. These people love talking
about my family, & they all send their love.
Other business, I'll be on a train to Buc the night of Christmas, so I
need to call you sometime on Christmas Eve(which is our family tradition
anyways). So, let me know what time to call, & we can work something
out. I want to make sure everyone is home this time, so I can talk to
you all (since Roz & the kids will be there anyways).
Also, my district wants to eat Samoan food, so could you email me some
recipes of the dishes you know I like??!! I found this store with
coconut milk, but I haven't found any shoyu. Oh, and while we're talking
about Christmas, here's the beginning of my list (Note: it would be
smart to send my "Christmas Package" before Dec 25, because then it'll
be in Buc before I get there, & the office could give it to me then:)
-NOH mixes (ie:Lemon Chicken, BBQ Pork, etc)
-Custard & Gravy Powder
-Hello Panda(I finished them ALREADY)
-The LB15 Ward CookBook (I can't believe I forgot it!!!)
...that's all I can remember, but don't worry I'll finish this list next
week!!! lol...
Wow, this email is really long. My comp. is waiting for me, but know
that I love you ALL & hope that you're all doing good...
-Sora Betham.


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