Saturday, February 9, 2008

November 11, 2007

Well, this week was Zone Conference. So on Wed night, we got on a train to go down to Buc. It was so FUN!!! It was another one of those SLEEPER TRAINS(see below) we got in Thurs morning & went straight to the chapel. Zone Conference was with Elder Kopishke from Germany. It was so good. He talked about how we can increase our faith, which I really needed. Then that night we went around Buc visiting members, & we met the craziest Romanian lady. She had this bright Barbie shirt & kept singing "I'm a Barbie girl..." man, she was too funny :). Then, we all met up again at the Gara or Train Station (below) & ate at McDonalds. I guess it's tradition. The trip was fun, the highlight of my week.
When we got back to Oradea on Fri, we had to prepare a Fireside for the members in our Branch. It's weird, they have Firesides on Fri to have contact with the members during the week. So anyways, the Fireside was about Covenants and their Importance. It was so tight. We talked about the Abrahaamic Covenant...Baptismal Covenants...& Temple Covenants. We ended with a slideshow of temples around the world. The members really liked it. I found out that Romania doesn't have a patriarch that speaks Romanian yet, so none of them have Patriarchal Blessings. Sad huh! Since I've been here, I have gained a better appreciation for the little things I take for granted. I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard. A couple of our investigators dropped us this past weekend, & it hurts to be rejected. It really does. Especially when you know they know it's true & pour your whole heart out to them when you testify...some people are just too scared to change their lives. Which is really hard. So, I encourage all of you to take advantage of what you have, because people in other parts of the world aren't so lucky!!! Well, I love you all & hope that you are all doing good. Take care...& WRITE ME!!!!
-Sora Betham.


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania