Saturday, February 9, 2008

Janurary 07, 2008

Ciao Stoc!!!
Okay, so I haven't heard from any of you for I've been
reading your letters from WAY BAC WHEN...& I freaking MISS YOU GUYS SO
MUCH!!! you have no idea.
Real talk, I've been really struggling. This past week has been the
hardest yet. Right when I thought I was making way with the language, it
went AU LEAGA!!! it was so frustrating that I couldn't say anything,
couldn't understand anything, couldn't DO anything!!! then all the
members got on my nerves...& my comp was being so IRRITz...& we had to
walk all over the city cuz we didn't have "abonamente" which are like
bus passes...& then this one day I was really just frustrated cuz we had
no investigators, & no one on the streets would give us the time of
day...we walked through this park...& this lil FIAPOKO kid in front of
us lit a firecracker & threw it on the floor...we didn't see him do
it...& it popped RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!! man, I was pissed already, & he
just made it 10 times worse!!! i wanted to rush him & deck him in the
face!!! so, he does it again...& i run to get it to throw it back at
him, but it popped before I got to, i was so heated!!! i turned
around & looked at my comp. & she was like WHOA!!! the rest of the day I
just was so mad at everything & everyone...the next day I thought more
about it & realized how stupid I looked.
I thought about my calling as a missionary & thought of what the Savior
would have done. I know that's so cliche, but it's so true. I've been
studying about it this past week. I realized that I've been trying to do
things on my own. I've been relying on what I think I know, rather than
relying on the Lord for His help. There I go being FIAPOKO really...I reacted to that boy the way MAN reacts
rather than trying to do as the LORD would. There's a scripture about it
somewhere in D&C 105 or 106 or something like that. I'll find it & give
it to you guys next week. But anyways, I want you all to look at your
own lives & seek ways that we can improve...looking to the Savior's
perfect example...& patterning our lives after His.
I love you all & hope that you are all doing well. Things are getting
better now. I'm opening up to my comp alot more, & she's helping me to
be better every day. She's tight like that.
I hope you guys all had a good New Year's. Remember to read your
scriptures & say your prayers...VA IUBESC PE VOI TOT!!!


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania