Saturday, February 9, 2008

October 11, 2007

Buna Ziua Mama!!!
I recieved my Temple Dress, THANK YOU!!! Everyone comments me about it.
The temple experience is so POWERFUL, and I love going, because it
reminds me of YOU! Everytime I go into the dressing room, I can just see
you & your PINK IE AND BLACK T-SHIRT!!! LOL. I laugh to myself and
gratitude fills my heart. I will always remember how it felt that first
day I went through the temple, with you by my side. I am so grateful for
you MOM! I always share my testimony of my parents conversion to the
gospel. I remember when I was younger, you told me that the most
impotant thing you learned before baptism is that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!
I have a testimony of that and I am so grateful for a loving and
supporting family. Today, I read about the "Fruits of our Labors" in Our
Search for Happiness. He talked about Matthew and how good trees bear
good fruits, & that bad trees are not capable of bearing the same good
fruit. And I thought about my parents and how I am a fruit of THEIR
labors. Your faith, testimony, and ALL your hard work is what brought me
here today. I am forever grateful to you & dad for all that you have
done for me. This debt or "TAB" is more than I could ever pay back. I
love you so much MOM & DAD!!! You are such an inspiration. Can you
please send me or have some one send me a family picture of ALL of us? I
only have the ones from the MTC, and Dad & Gomery aren't in any of them.
I really love this gospel and know with all my heart that it is true.
The MTC is an amazing place and I am so glad I chose to serve a mission.
My teachers and companions are amazing people and they all help me in
different ways to become a better missonary! My Romanion is coming along
slowly but surely. I can't wait to teach all of you! I hope everything
is going well at home. Send my love to Dad, Gomery, Leitu, & BABY!!! I
hope the ward is doing good as well. I challenge all of you to magnify
your callings and promise that the Lord will bless you for your
dilligence and faith in Him. I love you all and miss you so MUCH!!!
Te Iubesc,
P.S. If you have time and/or money, can you send some hello pandas and
some twisties, and whatever else you know I like!!! Ooh, and good nylons
(control top & maybe some knee highs)...I BUY NEW ONES EVERY
WEEK!!!MULTUMESC(thank you)!!!


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania