Saturday, February 9, 2008

october 25, 2007

Buna Ziua!!!
Viaţa în MTCul este la fel trecut la fel trecut...mânca este la fel, plan este la fel...ESTE CE ESTE!!!
Life in the MTC is the same ol' same ol' thing...same food, same schedule...IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!...LOL...
My Romanian has been improving alot more these past couple weeks. We've been SYLing (Speak Your Language) alot more during meals and throughout the day. It's amazing how the spirit works once you OPEN YOUR MOUTH, and have a desire to learn.
This past Tuesday we had the Primary President & her husband come and speak to us at Devotional. They talked about how important it is to teach from the scriptures. She shared her experiences with children accross the world and how much they value the Book of Mormon. It's crazy. This one kid she met in Ghana was holding a Book of Mormon in Primary. She smiled at him, and said, "I see you have your Book of Mormon today?" He smiled back and told her that it was his turn to bring their families' scriptures to church and that their WHOLE family has to share that one set of scriptures. I almost started crying. I thought of how much I take for granted the Book of Mormon. I've been thinking and reading more since I've been on a mission. And this past week I decided that I'm going to finish it once through by the time I leave. Since I made that goal, I've been reading at least 20 pgs a day. It makes such a difference!!! I read today in Mosiah about Abinadai and about his testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I have never felt so much power in the scriptures as I have in this past WEEK!!! I challenge all of you to read, and know for yourself of the wisdom and happiness we can experience when we read from the scriptures...SCRIPTURE POWER!!! (ugh, that was gay...LOL)
Other than that, the work has been good. We've been teaching this old Romanian lady named Viorica in the TRC. She's the best investigator because she answers every question right, and bears her testimony EVERYTIME!!!'s so funny. Our lessons are kind of slow because we've only taught in Romanian twice, but we're improving.
My companions are doing good too. Campbell (Canada) is more drama now, but I keep him in check! LOL..Horgmo (Norway) is so chill, he always tries to learn American slangs, and the other day, Sister Tuitavake showed him how to do "THIZZ FACE"!!! It was too funny!
There are more and more missionaries I know that come in the MTC every week. I met a lot of Polys so far. Sister Tuitavake and Elder Fiso are still here. I see them EVERYWHERE!!!
I'm doing good though, and I hope all of you are doing good too. I miss and love you all and am so grateful for all your letters and packages. KEEP THEM COMING!!!
Cu dragoste,

Sora Betham.


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania