Saturday, February 9, 2008

November 01, 2007

Să aveţi un HALLOWEEN BUN!!!
Sunt recuconscator pentru familile şi prieteni iubit!!! Voi mă faceţi pe mine să sunt MISIONARĂ BUN!!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I am grateful for loving familiy and friends!!! You all help me to be a better MISSIONARY!!!
I recieved so many letters last week, which made me really HAPPY!!! I am always so excited to hear from all of you!!! Keep 'em coming!!! This past week was probablly the best one yet!!! My Romanian is getting a lot better. I know I say that every week, but I really AM getting better! :) The other day, I said the prayer, and afterwards our teacher said I sounded like a Romanian GIRL!!! Crazy Huh!!!
Then, on Tuesday I had the best conversation with Heather Cox from Albany Georgia in the Referral Center. She called in for a "Finding Faith in Christ" DVD. I took all her information down & then I just started talking to her about the Gospel. I started telling her about the First Vision when her baby started crying. I asked her how old her baby was & more about her life. She seemed so interested in the gospel, which is something I wasn't used to. Usually people just brush you off. But, she really wanted to know more! So I talked to her about the missionaries, and she ACCEPTED!!! I expressed how excited I was for her, I invited her to church, and she ACCEPTED!!! I couldn't believe it. The spirit was so STRONG!!! I left her with my testimony of the truthfullness of the gospel. Man, it was the best day, because later that night we had devotional...and ELDER BEDNAR was the SPEAKER!!!
If anyone had any doubts about the gospel, they would know just by being in the room, that it's TRUE!!! It was crazy how strong the spirit was. He talked about the 13 Articles of Faith, and how they are the answers to any doctrinal question!!! I never cried so much in DEVOTIONAL!!! But it got me thinking about my preperations to serve a mission. He talked about how so many missionaries ask him these wacky questions about the Book of Mormon and how we should be teaching with simplicity. I thought about how I wanted to know the deeper applications of the gospel. But I realized that, that's not my purpose! He challenged us to memorize the AofF if we haven't already and apply the SEQUENCE & CONTENT in our studies and in our lives. I extend this challenge to you all!!! I know that if we do this, Heavenly Father will bless us with a better knowledge of the gospel and help us to live these things in our lives!
I hope you are all having a good week. The MTC is still good, I'm not sick of it yet. I have a little over a week left & then I'm off to ROMĂNIA!!! I miss and love you all & hope that you are all going to church and reading your SCRIPTURES!!!
Cu Dragoste,

Sora Betham.


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania