Monday, July 28, 2008

February 18, 2008

Hi Everybody!!!
Wow, it's been such a long week. Before I forget, Happy Belated Valentines Day!!! We had an activity here for V-day, & it was hilarious!!! We made homemade Doughnuts & played games. Some of the members are CRAZY!!! Like for real, they have issues. LOL.
As far as the work, one of our investigators, Marina, was reading anti-Mormon books, & had a whole bunch of questions that I couldn't answer. It made me doubt a little, so I've been praying & studying really hard to find answers. I've been reading all of Joseph Smith's History & comparing the Bible & BOM. How blessed are we that if ever we struggle, that we can open our scriptures & find the answers!!! My testimony of Joseph Smith has been strengthen through these simple verses & I am so excited to meet with Marina this week & share these things with her!!! I challenge all of you to read JSH this week!!! I know that it'll help you with whatever you're going through!!!
I love you all so much, & hope that you continue to stay strong in the church & remain close to the Lord.
For those of you in Seminary, PAY ATTENTION!!! There are so many things I wish I had learned in Seminary, if only I had listened!!!
Love & miss you guys!!!
-Sora Betham
P.S. I'm adding to my list from last week:
Chocolate Chips, Cake Mix/Frosting, Victoria Secret Lotion & Hair Products (I gave mine away to the members for Christmas.)...& the list could go on!!!


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