Monday, July 28, 2008

February 24, 2008

Ugh, once again...I get so excited to come to internet, & guess what???
Anyways, things are going well. Our investigators are progressing &
getting really close to Baptism. We had a MASS FAST with them & with the
Elders, & I think it really helped them to get the answers they've been
praying to receive.
Our Districts are doing really well. We're the only Sisters in our Zone,
so we work with two Branches: Victoria & Cotroceni. Victoria has a lot
of young families & they have a full functioning PRIMARY!!! Cotroceni is
where all the CRAZY's are...& when I say CRAZY, I mean THEY GOT
ISSUES!!! There's always drama, EVERY Sunday. But we try to set a good
example for them & try to have the Spirit. Some times it works &
sometimes I just want to bang my head against the wall!!! lol.
Anyways, that's whats been going on with me. I've been reading alot in
the Bible this week. I've been really interested in the 12 Tribes of
Israel lately. I wanted to study from the Bible a little bit more,
because a lot of Romanians claim that the Bible is all we need, but they
don't even really know anything about it!!! I've just been connecting
alot of dots between Abraham...Moses...Lehi...etc. It's all so tight!!!
Anyways, so I challenge you all to read in Genesis...& then write me
about it next week!!!
I hope you are all doing good. I'm sure you're all keeping busy. I love
& miss you all!!!
-Sora Bitam


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania