Monday, July 28, 2008

March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!!
It's easter for you guys, right?!! Well, here in Romania they celebrate
Easter on April 27th...So I still have a while...I hope the Easter Bunny
visits me this year!!! ;) wink, wink...
Well, this past week my companion was still really sick. Everyone
wonders why I haven't got it from her yet. I think it's because Mom
nursed me until I was 5!!! lol. Well, that's Dad's explanation for that's what I told my District, & they laughed so
hard!!! Since then, it's been a big inside joke...Anyways, things here
in Romania are good.
We started using a questionnaire when we contact in the Blocs & on the
streets. It's been working for us. More people are showing interest, so
we're pretty excited to be teaching new investigators.
Thanks for your emails. I think I'm going to stop sending pictures,
because I don't want to hear about how much weight I'm gaining!!! lol.
It's not fair!!!
I was so excited to hear that Aunty Katie sent me TWO PACKAGES!!! I
can't wait!!! I think you should all follow her example!!! lol. jokes.
Many of you might not have my address, so here it is:
Sos. Pipera Nr. 41 Et. 7
Sector 2 COD 014254
I love & miss you guys so much!!! Hope to hear from you soon!!!
-Sora Betham


Currently Serving in Buckarest Romania